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[wpc_featured_box image=”2394″ title=”Eugene Airport, City of Eugene, OR” link=”|||” el_class=”featured-box-projects”]
[wpc_featured_box image=”2389″ title=”Maurie Jacobs Park, City of Eugene, OR” link=”|||” el_class=”featured-box-projects”]
[wpc_featured_box image=”1612″ title=”Laurelwood Golf Course, Eugene, OR” link=”||” el_class=”featured-box-projects”]
[wpc_featured_box image=”1613″ title=”Owen Rose Garden, Eugene, OR” link=”||” el_class=”featured-box-projects”]
[wpc_featured_box image=”1618″ title=”City Hall Plaza Renovation Project, Springfield, OR” link=”||” el_class=”featured-box-projects”]
[wpc_featured_box image=”1615″ title=”Hays Tree Garden Path Renovation, Eugene, OR” link=”||” el_class=”featured-box-projects”]